Results for 'A. A. Samoylenko S. E. Sardak'

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  1. Evaluating the State of Intellectualization of the National Economy of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization.Sergii Sardak & A. A. Samoylenko S. E. Sardak - 2014 - Бізнесінформ 12:19-24.
    Due to the innovative nature of the world economy and the continuity of scientific and technological progress, intellectualization becomes one of the world's leading trends. The article is aimed to evaluate the state of intellectualization of the national economy of Ukraine in the context of globalization. In the article the existing approaches are considered, which are used by international organizations and expert agencies to evaluate the intellectualization level of the countries around the world. The indicators of the state of intellectualization, (...)
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  2. Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries).D. E. Reshetniak S. E. Sardak, O. P. Krupskyi, S. I. Korotun & Sergii Sardak - 2019 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 28 (1):180-187.
    Abstract. In this article we developed scientific and applied foundations of commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects, on the example of exhausted mines. It is determined that the category of “anthropogenic object” can be considered in a narrow-applied sense, as specific anthropogenic objects to ensure the target needs, and in a broad theoretical sense, meaning everything that is created and changed by human influence, that is the objects of both artificial and natural origin. It was determined that problems (...)
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  3. Comparative analysis of economic openness of the Netherlands and Poland.Sergii Sardak & S. E. Sardak О. D. Tryfonova, K. M. Ohdanskiy - 2018 - Imperatives of Development of Civil Society in Promoting National Competitiveness – 2018: 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference.
    Comparing the degree of openness of the economy of Poland and the Netherlands, we can say the following. The Netherlands is more dependent on foreign trade than Poland. The Netherlands export quota reaches almost 50%, unlike 41,37% in Poland in 2016. However, Poland has become more import-dependent. Poland, in contrast to the Netherlands, is continuing to increase the indicators of "economic globalization". To date, the Netherlands has been pursuing more moderate foreign trade policy and trying to protect itself from external (...)
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  4. National Economies Intellectualization Evaluating in the World Economy.Sergii Sardak & A. Samoylenko S. Sardak - 2014 - Economic Annals-XXI 9 (2):4-7.
    The state of national economies development varies and is characterized by many indicators. Economically developed countries are known as doubtless leaders that are in progress and form political stability, social and economics standards, scientific and technical progress and determine future priorities. It is worth mentioning that the progressive development of national economies in conditions of globalization can take place only in case of the increase of their intellectualization level, through saturation of people`s life, economic relations and production by brain activity, (...)
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  5. Technical-economic aspects of the use of technological process of deforming broaching.Sergii Sardak & S. Sardak Y. Nemyrovskyi, E. Posvyatenko - 2020 - In Vitalil Ivanov, Justyna Trojanowska, Jose Machado, Oleksandr Liaposhchenko, Jozef Zajac, Ivan Pavlenko, Milan Edl & Dragan Perakovic, Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, DSMIE-2019, June 11-14, 2019, Lutsk, Ukraine. Springer. pp. 238-247.
    The article gives a definition of the technical and economic potential of the application of the deforming broaching process. Research of the consequences of introducing deforming broaching into technological processes at manufacturing enterprises is carried out on the basis of application of system resource and matrix approach. On the basis of the performed researches, a methodological basis for the economic evaluation of the results of applying deforming broaching on the pro-duction has been developed. The article has improved the well-known scientific (...)
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  6. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development.Sergii Sardak - 2014 - Dissertation, Київський Національний Економічний Університет Імені Вадима Гетьмана
    ANNOTATION Sardak S.E. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development. – Manuscript. Thesis for the Doctor of Economic Science academic degree with major in 08.00.02 – World Economy and international economic relations. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2014. The preconditions and factors of the global economic system with the identified relevant subjects areas and mechanisms of regulation instruments have been investigated. The crucial role of humans in the global economic system as a key (...)
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  7. Features and new trends in the provision of services by Ukrainian tourism companies.Sergii Sardak & V. V. Dzhyndzhoian S. E. Sardak - 2017 - In Finansów Publicznych, I. Marketingu & Katedra Polityki Europejskiej, 3rd International Conference on Marketing Management : Conference Proceedings, June 5-6, 2017. pp. 1-2.
    The objectives of the study are to determine the main trends and characteristics of the provision of services by Ukrainian travel companies over the past 10 years. Ukraine is explored in terms of domestic and international tourism (inbound and outbound). The study uses the data of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the data of the regional statistical offices, as well as the results of the author's calculations. Modern methods of global clustering and marketing segmentation, (...)
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  8. Designing the structures of discrete solid-alloy elements for broaching the holes of significant diameter based on the assessment of their strength.Ya Nemyrovskyi, I. Shepelenko, E. Posviatenko, Yu Tsekhanov, S. Polotnyak, Sergii Sardak, V. Bandura & Yu Paladiichuk - 2020 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (7):57-65.
    This paper addresses the issues related to designing and estimating the strength of solid-alloy elements in the deforming broaches of significant diameter (exceeding 150 mm) for the developed process of discrete broaching. The tool limit condition was assessed based on two strength criteria: the specific potential energy of shape change and the maximum tangent stresses. Numerical modeling using the finite element method has made it possible to derive the distribution of equivalent stresses in the tool elements and the contact stresses (...)
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  9. Periodization and forecast of global dynamics of human resources development.Sergii Sardak & В. Т. Сухотеплий С. Е. Сардак - 2013 - Economic Annals-XXI 1 (3-4):3–6.
    Analyzing and modeling interconnections between crucial factors of human development, rates of growth thereof and elasticity of the growth rates, the authors have defined specific periods of the development and have made a forecast for the dynamics of the human resources development. Those periods have been defined more exactly and arranged as follows: the first one – «Before Christ»; the second one – «Early Medieval» (1–1100 a.d.); the third one – «Advanced Medieval» (1101–1625); the forth one – «Pioneer’s Modernization» (1626–1970); (...)
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  10. Development of historical and cultural tourist destinations.Sergii Sardak, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, V. Dzhyndzhoian, M. Sardak & Y. Naboka - 2020 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 29 (2):406-414.
    The aim of the study is to develop theoretic and methodological recommendations and practical activities for the positive social, managerial, organizational and economic development of historical and cultural tourist destinations. In theoretical terms: the role of historical and cultural tourist destination in the development of the region has been established; the historical and cultural tourist destinations have been identified; the author’s classification of historical and cultural tourist destinations has been developed basing tourist visiting activeness; the author’s methodological approach to the (...)
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  11. Conceptual aspects of global human resource management.Sergii Sardak - 2019 - In Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Igor Britchenko, Viera Bartosova, Jaroslav Mazanec, Darina Chlebikova, Olesia Bezpartochna, Robert Dmuchowski, Eva Kicova, Olga Ponisciakova, Rima Žitkienė, Svetlana Kunskaja, Arunas Burinskas, Viktoriia Riashchenko, Jekaterina Korjuhina, Teimuraz Beridze, Jasmina Gržinić, Kolozsi Pál Péter, Lentner Csaba, Veslav Kuranovic, Ramutė Narkūnienė, Erika Onuferova, Veronika Cabinova, Maria Matijova, Renata Fedorcikova, Szmitka Stanisław, Stanisław Szmitka, Andrius Tamošiūnas, Katarina Belanova, Ľubomír Čunderlík, Christian Becker, Erika Kovalova, Katarina Kramarova, Martina Marchevská, Jana Mitríková, Tatiana Racovchena, Nadejda Ianioglo, Aurelija Burinskiene & Lela Jamagidze, Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension. VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”. pp. 49-58.
    The author's analysis of conceptual aspects of global human resource management shows the lack of unified mechanisms anf forms. Thus, we state that at the beginning of the XXI century at all management level, the contours of the management influence methodology on human resources are formed. This gives the possibility of determining only the main backbone constituent elements. Due to the complexity of the process of people management as a resource, management mechanisms are formalized only in the framework of different (...)
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  12. Business Environment of Enterprise.Sergii Sardak & Movchanenko I. Sardak S. - 2018 - In Sergii Sardak & Movchanenko I. Sardak S., Imperatives of development of civil society in promoting national competitiveness – 2018: 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. pp. 108-109.
    Summing up, we note that the business environment has high dynamism, information uncertainty and unpredictability of events and results of their activities, which requires a revision of traditional approaches to the formation of competitive strategies and management in the global economic space.
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  13. Smart-entrepreneurship education in training of the hotel business specialists.Sergii Sardak & Y. Naboka S. R. Koev, L. Chepurda, S. Sardak, L. Zhylinska - 2019 - Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 22 (4):1-5.
    The article is devoted to the problems of introducing the SMART-education technology in the training and development of personnel of hotel complexes and business activities in the field of hotel business. The methodological and organizational bases for the application of SMART-education in staff training were identified; the leading qualitative features and development trends of this type of entrepreneurial educational activity were outlined. The principles of SMART-education of staff in the field of hotel business and its applied features in the service (...)
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  14. Methodological approach to management and development of human resources.Sergii Sardak & V. Fisheliev S. Sardak - 2019 - In Біла К. О, Економіка і менеджмент 2019 : перспективи інтеграції та інноваційного розвитку. pp. 5-7.
    The proposed methodological approach to the management and development of human resources formalizes and visualizes the possible forms of management decision-making for any person, family, company, city, country, and the world as a whole, based on the tasks and competencies of researchers.
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  15. Current trends in global demographic processes.Sergii Sardak & O. Tryfonova S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, V. Dzhyndzhoian, T. Fedotova - 2018 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 16 (1):48-57.
    Current local and national demographic trends have deepened the existing and formed new global demographic processes that have received a new historical reasoning that requires deep scientific research taking into account the influence of the multifactorial global dimension of the modern society development. The purpose of the article is to study the development of global demographic processes and to define the causes of their occurrence, manifestations, implications and prospects for implementation in the first half of the 21st century. The authors (...)
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  16. The concept of state economic policy of regulation of human resources international movement of Ukraine in the context of global intellectualization.Sergii Sardak & А. О. Samoilenko S. Е. Sardak - 2016 - International Scientific Conference Economy and Society: Modern Foundation for Human Development: Conference Proceedings, Part 2, October 31, 2016.
    The problem of the concept of Ukraine’s state economic policy of regulation of human resources international movement in the context of global intellectualization remains topical throughout the existence of Ukraine as an independent state. It should be noted that the favorable geopolitical position of Ukraine provides potential opportunities for the development of both regions and the state as a whole, creates conditions that are associated with the involvement in international migration, tourism and transit and professional processes. Their number increases in (...)
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  17. The application features of seasonal-cyclic patterns in international financial markets.Sergii Sardak & O. Benenson O. Dzhusov, S. Smerichevskyi, S. Sardak, O. Klimova - 2019 - Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (5):1-10.
    The paper deals with the topical issue of studying cyclic patterns in the economy and their practical application for the forecasts on the development of financial markets. The work aims to establish the features of the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" in the international financial markets in current conditions and to develop recommendations for the practical application of these patterns in the investment activities. The US stock market as an integral part of the (...)
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  18. Formation of global regulatory system for human resources development.S. Sardak - 2016 - In International Scientific Practical Conference «Modern Transformation of Economics and Management in the Era of Globalization». pp. 21-22.
    Focused on evolutionary and continuous human development the global, the regulatory system should be formed in the conceptual (the constant research for the detection, identification and evaluation of global imperatives) and application (development and implementation of activities and coordination tools of influence to ensure the existence of human civilization in a secure politically, economically, socially and environmentally balanced world) planes. On the author's calculations of its formation in functionally complete, holistic view is expected by 2030 due to historically conditioned transformations (...)
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  19. The influence of disbalances in financial resources movement on national financial systems.Sergii Sardak & S. Sardak M. Korneyev - 2018 - Yunona Publishing.
    In the article the effect of disbalances in the movement of financial resources on the national financial systems is formalized. For ensuring the corresponding monitoring objectives the financial sustainability indicators developed by the IMF and the World Bank have been used, as well as the integral indicator of financial resource disbalances, which serve as statistical units for measuring the financial situation and sustainability of the financial sector of the country. For the overwhelming majority of the studied countries, the hypothesis about (...)
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  20. Civilizational structure of regional integration organizations.Sergii Sardak & Y. Prysiazhniuk S. Sardak, S. Radziyevska - 2019 - Przegląd Strategiczny 12:59-79.
    The paper advances a new comprehensive complex approach to the investigation of the civilizational aspects in the development of regional associations of countries. The research starts with the overview of historical dimensions of the civilizational approach and the contribution of the founding scholars to its development. It continues with the analysis of the scientific and methodological input of the followers and the critics of this approach. The authors suggest their theoretical approach to the identification of the modern local civilizations according (...)
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  21. Динамические способности: сравнение методов измерения на примере малых и средних предприятий Украины.Bogodistov Yevgen, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2016 - Економічний Простір 110:139-161.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate different approaches in measurement of the concept of dynamic capabilities. The paper focuses on a formative measurement model by Wilden and colleagues (2013) and a reflective model by Li and Liu (2014). The models were tested on Ukrainian firms in relation to their performance. A Ukrainian and Russian translation of both measurements is introduced and tested. The proposed measurements were tested by applying a partial least squares algorithm using SmartPLS™ software. The sample (...)
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  22. Socio-economic factors of providing quality of livestock products in Ukraine.Iryna Kyryliuk, Yevhenii Kyryliuk, Alina Proshchalykina & Sergii Sardak - 2020 - Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 31:37-47.
    In the context of Ukraine’s membership in the WTO, the functioning of a free trade area with the EU, the opportunity for agricultural producers to obtain a larger share of the value added is primarily linked to the intensification of trade in domestic livestock products and their processing products. However, their production is one of the high-risk areas and requires a set of measures aimed at ensuring proper quality. Without effective solution of the problem of quality of livestock products it (...)
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  23. (1 other version) Gendering Dynamic Capabilities in Micro Firms.Yevgen Bogodistov, André Presse, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2017 - Revista de Administração de Empresas 3 (57): 273-282.
    Gender issues are well-researched in the general management literature, particular in studies on new ventures. Unfortunately, gender issues have been largely ignored in the dynamic capabilities literature. We address this gap by analyzing the effects of gender diversity on dynamic capabilities among micro firms. We consider the gender of managers and personnel in 124 Ukrainian tourism micro firms. We examine how a manager’s gender affects the firm’s sensing capacities and investigate how it moderates team gender diversity’s impact on sensing capacities. (...)
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  24. Ukraine’s Exports as a Global Challenge for Its Future.Sergii Sardak - 2019 - CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2422:84-99.
    Exports are critical for the highly open Ukrainian economy which is characterized by the large trade deficit. Since independence the major consumers of the Ukrainian products have been the CIS and the EU. Conflict with Russia led to the significant decline of the volume of Ukraine’s export commodities. The export analysis, based on the data provided by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period of 2010-2018 allowed to identify the problems and to come up with possible solutions focusing (...)
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  25. Перспективні напрями розвитку фінансового ринку в умовах інформатизації економіки.Sergii Sardak & О. Д. Трифонова С. Е. Сардак - 2017 - Ефективна Економіка 10:1-5.
    У статті встановлено вплив інформатизації економіки на розвиток фінансових ринків. Висвітлено тенденції розвитку світового фінансового ринку в умовах інформатизації економіки. Виокремлено пeрспeктивні напрями розвитку світового фінансового ринку. Виділено перспективні напрями трансформації фінансових ринків, які потребують удосконалення нормативно-правових механізмів регулювання. Виявлено значення інституційних інвесторів, які впливають на акумуляцію фінансових ресурсів населення, що призводить до відмови від традиційних вкладень, і переливанню коштів у фінансові інструменти. Зазначено, що сучасні тенденції притаманні національним фінансовим ринкам потребують удoскoналeння нoрмативнo-правoвих мeханізмів їх регулювання. Визначено, що сучасною тенденцією (...)
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  26. Life cycle: formation, structure, management.Sergii Sardak, Igor Britchenko, Radostin Vazov & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2021 - Списание «Икономически Изследвания (Economic Studies)» 30 (6):126-142.
    The article aims to define the management mechanism of complex, open dynamic systems with human participation. The following parts of the system life-cycle were identified and unified in the theoretical scope: general and specific compositional elements of repeating changes, marginal index boundaries, the dynamics of the compositional elements of the lifecycle, the key points of the change in the character of the index dynamics. In the practical scope, two common trends of socio-economical system life-cycle management are considered. The first trend (...)
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  27. The ambitions of theory work in the production of contemporary anthropological research.George E. Marcus - 2015 - In Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion & George E. Marcus, Theory can be more than it used to be: learning anthropology's method in a time of transition. London: Cornell University Press.
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  28. Outlines of the art of education. Introduction.F. D. E. Schleiermacher - 2022 - In Friedrich Schleiermacher, F.D.E. Schleiermacher's outlines of the art of education: a translation & discussion. New York: Peter Lang.
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  29. Outlines of the art of education. Introduction.F. D. E. Schleiermacher - 2022 - In Friedrich Schleiermacher, F.D.E. Schleiermacher's outlines of the art of education: a translation & discussion. New York: Peter Lang.
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  30. Meditations on first philosophy (1641): Thought, existence, and the project of science.E. R. Grosholz - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217--233.
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    Locke and Scholasticism.E. J. Ashworth - 2015 - In Matthew Stuart, A Companion to Locke. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 82–99.
    This chapter focuses on John Locke's relation to scholasticism. It explores who the schoolmen referred to by Locke were, and what he might have learned from them, particularly with respect to topics in metaphysics, logic, and language. The chapter considers the Oxford curriculum which provided the framework for Locke's years of study and teaching there, as there is little reason to believe that he enriched his acquaintance with the schoolmen in his later career. The topic of substance was raised both (...)
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  32. The life cycle of social and economic systems.Sergii Sardak & С. Е Сардак - 2016 - Marketing and Management of Innovations 1:157-169.
    The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to identify the components of social and economic systems life cycle. To achieve this aim, the article describes the traits and characteristics of the system, determines the features of social and economic systems functioning and is applied a systematic approach in the study of their life cycle. The results of the analysis. It is determined that the development of social and economic systems has signs of cyclicity and is explained (...)
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    Apocalyptic Family Values.E. Elizabeth Johnson - 2002 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 56 (1):34-44.
    The apocalyptic character of the church's life definitively shapes Paul's language about households and kinship relations. God's adoption of Christians into this new household of faith disrupts and reorganizes existing family relationships.
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    Identity and Constitution.E. J. Lowe - 2009 - In Edward Jonathan Lowe, More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity, and the Logic of Sortal Terms. Oxford and West Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77–91.
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    The Newtonian Myth.E. B. Davies - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (4):763-780.
    I examine Popper’s claims about Newton’s use of induction in Principia with the actual contents of Principia and draw two conclusions. Firstly, in common with most other philosophers of his generation, it appears that Popper had very little acquaintance with the contents and methodological complexities of Principia beyond what was in the famous General Scholium. Secondly Popper’s ideas about induction were less sophisticated than those of Newton, who recognised that it did not provide logical proofs of the results obtained using (...)
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  36. Система планирования, нормирования и организации ресурсов предприятия.Sergii Sardak & С. Э Сардак - 2016 - Авторське Право І Суміжні Права 42:166-167.
    СИСТЕМА ПЛАНИРОВАНИЯ, НОРМИРОВАНИЯ И ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ РЕСУРСОВ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ Разработана система планирования, нормирования и организации финансовых, человеческих и временных ресурсов, позволяющая определить объем финансовых средств, численность исполнителей и сроки выполнения работ при создании, развитии, продаже и ликвидации предприятий. -/- СИСТЕМА ПЛАНУВАННЯ, НОРМУВАННЯ ТА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ РЕСУРСІВ ПІДПРИЄМСТВА Розроблено систему планування, нормування та організації фінансових, людських і часових ресурсів, що дозволяє визначити обсяг фінансових коштів, чисельність виконавців і терміни виконання робіт при створенні, розвитку, продажу та ліквідації підприємств. -/- SYSTEM OF PLANNING, RATING AND ORGANIZATION (...)
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  37. Глобальная экономическая система координации.Sergii Sardak & С. Э Сардак - 2013 - Проблемы Современной Науки : Сборник Научных Трудов 8 (1):191-199.
    Проведен анализ содержательного значения терминов “экономическая система” и “координация”. Исследован потенциал и предложена характеристика глобальной экономической системы координации. The analysis of the substantive meaning of the terms "economic system" and "coordination". Investigated and proposed a characterization of the potential of the global economic system coordination.
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  38. The Legacy of Emotivism.J. E. J. Altham - 1986 - In Graham Macdonald & Crispin Wright, Fact, Science and Morality: Essays on A. J. Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic. Blackwell. pp. 275-288.
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    Sōma in First Corinthians.E. Earle Ellis - 1990 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 44 (2):132-144.
    Paul's concept of the “body,” so obscure for our modern way of thinking, nevertheless underlies the whole of his theology, and is decisive for understanding Paul's teaching on ethics, sacraments, ministry, and the Christian hope.
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  40. Concept of comprehensive enterprises business model in global economic environment.Sergii Sardak, Roman Stakanov & Liydmila Shvorak - 2020 - Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 26 (2):1-6.
    The effective functioning of a modern enterprise necessitates the awareness of the owners and managers of its strategic orientations, the state of the internal and external environment, its competitive advantages, entrepreneurial potential and development prospects. A well-built business model of the enterprise helps to face these urgent and permanent challenges. However, the formation of a real business model of the enterprise necessitates mastering of theoretical and methodological bases and implementation of long-term practical measures in the field of assessment, shaping, organization (...)
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  41. Идентификация локальных цивилизаций и их влияние на социально-экономическое развитие.Sergii Sardak & S. Radziyevska - 2019 - Стратегія І Тактика Державного Управління. Економічні Проблеми Державного Управління 2 (3-4):155-167.
    Рассмотрена историческая периодизация формирования цивилизационного подхода. Определен потенциал локальных цивилизаций в ХХІ веке. Исследована цивилизационная структура мировой экономики. Предложен подход к идентификации принадлежности стран к современным локальным цивилизациям. Определены доминирующие локальные цивилизации и их влияние на социально-экономическое развитие общества.
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  42. Imperatives of socio-economic development in Ukraine under globalization conditions.Sergii Sardak & K. Ustich S. Sardak - 2017 - In Ihor Hrabynskyi, Fourth Biennial International Scientific Conference «Ecological and economic problems of international trade». pp. 188–192.
    The development of mankind and its concrete manifestations in technical, economic or other spheres is always determined by contradictions, uncertainty and the emergence of non-standard circumstances. At the beginning of the third millennium the world is characterized by acceleration of economic dynamics and complication of the mega environment, which requires mastering the realities of the present and the future. Exactly this problem that necessitates the definition of the Concept and priorities of the direction of socio-economic policy in Ukraine and conducting (...)
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  43. Imperatives of development of civil society in promoting national competitiveness – 2018: 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference.Sergii Sardak & Movchanenko I. Sardak S. (eds.) - 2018
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  44. International Scientific Practical Conference «Modern Transformation of Economics and Management in the Era of Globalization».S. Sardak (ed.) - 2016
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    Kuhn reconstructed: Incommensurability without relativism.Michael E. Malone - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (1):69-93.
    The standard reading of Kuhn's philosophy attributes to him the view that the incommensurability of rival theories and theory-ladenness of observation make rational debate about competing paradigms nearly impossible. If this reflects his real view, then he has claimed something prima facie absurd, and easily refuted with historical counter-examples. It is not the incommensurability thesis per se that is easily refutable, but Kuhn's gestelt interpretation of it. The gestalt interpretation, moreover misrepresents his more fundamental ideas on paradigms, and is in (...)
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  46. Foucault, subjectivity, and technologies of the self.Mark G. E. Kelly - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki, A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 510–25.
    In this chapter, the author analyzes Foucault's conception of subjectivity and his history of technologies of the self, the collections of practices by which subjectivity constitutes itself. The first section situates Foucault's conception of subjectivity in his overall body of work and intellectual context, particularly in relation to two figures in French philosophy. The second section explores the conception of the subject that Foucault develops in his late work. Having explained the importance of historical practices to his conception of subjectivity, (...)
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    Light, Pressure, and Rectilinear Propagation: Descartes' Celestial Optics and Newton's Hydrostatics.Alan E. Shapiro - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 5 (3):239.
  48. The Head and the Groin of Rock.John E. Huss - 2011 - In George Reisch & Luke Dick, The Rolling Stones and Philosophy: It's Just a Thought Away. Open Court Publishing. pp. 57-66.
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    Why? Why? Why?Thomas E. Wartenberg - 2013 - In A Sneetch is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries: Finding Wisdom in Children's Literature. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–6.
    The prelims comprise: Half‐Title Page Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Page Table of Contents Acknowledgments.
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    Schopenhauer on the Value of Compassion.David E. Cartwright - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele, A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 249–265.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Compassion in Schopenhauer's Oeuvre Schopenhauer's Method of Ethics and Rejection of Moral Skepticism The Moral Point of View The Nature of Compassion Metaphysical Explanations of Compassion References Further Reading.
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